There are two servers, one is app and one is Db both hosted on AWS separate EC2. App server have an IIS and logged in with service account to communicate with DB server. Application is using Trusted_Connection option in connection string so that not have to specify credentials and communicate as logged in user. While communicating App server hits with below error, IIS app was configured with default AppPoolIdentity –
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user ‘DOMAIN\MACHINENAME$’.
Node-sass is one of famous library used by Node Js projects now days. Node–sass is a library that provides binding for Node.js to LibSass, the C version of the popular stylesheet preprocessor,Sass. It allows you to natively compile .scss files to css at incredible speed and automatically via a connect middleware. When you install this library it download binary as per the machine on which you are running it.
Like if you are on a windows machine 64 bit architecture, it will try to download “win32-x64-57_binding.node” and different binary in case of other OS.
It works all fine when you are on a machine where you have no internet restrictions in term of opening a site like in this case these binaries are located on GITHUB. So if you have access to github you will see ‘npm install’ going smooth.
But what if your organization mandates to use private artifactory solution like JFrog and have no access to Github ??
npm install complaining about unable to download binary and suggesting to use proxy
Don’t worry we have solution for this =)
I am going to tell you two ways to tackle this situation, one for old version of node-sass like nodes-sass@4.5.3 (it was in my case) and one is for latest versions which are more configurable.