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ERP – SAP Human Resources (HR) SIM Files
Balanced Scorecard Benefits: Domestic Partner Handling As Of R/3 Enterprise Benefits: Enrollment Employee Self-Service In SAP EP 5.0 Change Employee Form Of Address Employee Turnover Management Form Of Address Human Resources Executive Objective Setting And Appraisals Organization Structure Time Management: Management Of Family And Medical Leave Time Management: Message Processing In The Time Managers Workplace Time Management: Time Managers Workplace Web Cockpit Department Manager Web Cockpit Human Resource Analyst (With Navigation) Web Cockpit With Selection
http://rapidshare.com/files/48976494/HR-TimeManagement-ManagementOfFamilyAndMedicalLeave.zip http://rapidshare.com/files/48976503/HR-Benefits-EnrollmentEmployeeSelfServiceInSAPEP5.0.zip http://rapidshare.com/files/48976504/HR-TimeManagement-TimeManagersWorkplace.zip
http://rapidshare.com/files/48976537/HR-TimeManagement-MessageProcessingInTheTimeManagersWorkplace.zip http://rapidshare.com/files/48976614/HR-OrganizationStructure.zip
thanks a lot for this sim files
thanks for this files, but i could not open the the HR-OrganizationStructure, i get an error “no header for toc” can you confirm how to rectify this. thank you.
dear this file is working fine.
Hi Admin,
Could you please email me HR Sim files in my mail id as I am unale to download it.
even i get the same error… “no header for toc”…any workarounds
Thanks you very much for thid lovely files
Hi please help me with the sim file of SLCM (SAP HCM)
I am unale to download SIM file for HR.. Could any one email me these SIM file.